Opiniones Wara Peruvian Travel (Agencia de Viajes)

0 Opiniones

Agencias de Viajes


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Esta es la ficha de Wara Peruvian Travel en Lince en el departamento de Lima.

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La valoración de Wara Peruvian Travel es de 0 sobre 5 basado en 0 opiniones .

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Profesional inscrito bajo la categoría Agencias de Viajes.

¿Dónde está Wara Peruvian Travel?

Of. 62, Fullmarket, Av. Arenales 1624, Lince 15073, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57V4WX97+GF

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -12.081213

  • Longitud: -77.036312

Fotografías de Wara Peruvian Travel

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

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Lunes 11:00-18:00
Martes 11:00-18:00
Miércoles 11:00-18:00
Jueves 11:00-18:00
Viernes 11:00-18:00
Sábado 11:00-18:00
Domingo Cerrado
Otros Agencias de Viajes en Lima

¿Quieres comparar?

GET2PERU.COM Nazca Lines pick up from Lima

Agencia de Viajes

It was awesome trip thanks to super friendly guide, Carlos. Carlos call for me on the fist day I arrived at Nazca even though it was so late midnight and politely explained the schedule on next day.Even more, he kindly supported me negotiating with flight company when I told him I forgot my wallet in the flight (I cannot speak Spanish and it helped me a lot, sincere appreciation to Carlos). The tour itself was wonderful as well. Carlos told me detail of the flight route in advance that I did not miss any of Nazca figure. Also, Kwan, expert guide when going around Nazca monument, was amazingly professional and I studied a lot during the tour. Carlos adjusted schedule as I needed to leave to Lima a bit earlier to get my lost wallet and asked Bus company for earlier one. Again, I sincerely appreciate their kindness and support, I strongly recommend you to get the tour when you visit Nazca! Japanese ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?????????????????????????)? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Por ????

Forest Tours

Agencia de Viajes

It was awesome trip thanks to super friendly guide, Carlos. Carlos call for me on the fist day I arrived at Nazca even though it was so late midnight and politely explained the schedule on next day.Even more, he kindly supported me negotiating with flight company when I told him I forgot my wallet in the flight (I cannot speak Spanish and it helped me a lot, sincere appreciation to Carlos). The tour itself was wonderful as well. Carlos told me detail of the flight route in advance that I did not miss any of Nazca figure. Also, Kwan, expert guide when going around Nazca monument, was amazingly professional and I studied a lot during the tour. Carlos adjusted schedule as I needed to leave to Lima a bit earlier to get my lost wallet and asked Bus company for earlier one. Again, I sincerely appreciate their kindness and support, I strongly recommend you to get the tour when you visit Nazca! Japanese ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?????????????????????????)? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Por ????

Lima Tasty Tours

Agencia de Viajes

It was awesome trip thanks to super friendly guide, Carlos. Carlos call for me on the fist day I arrived at Nazca even though it was so late midnight and politely explained the schedule on next day.Even more, he kindly supported me negotiating with flight company when I told him I forgot my wallet in the flight (I cannot speak Spanish and it helped me a lot, sincere appreciation to Carlos). The tour itself was wonderful as well. Carlos told me detail of the flight route in advance that I did not miss any of Nazca figure. Also, Kwan, expert guide when going around Nazca monument, was amazingly professional and I studied a lot during the tour. Carlos adjusted schedule as I needed to leave to Lima a bit earlier to get my lost wallet and asked Bus company for earlier one. Again, I sincerely appreciate their kindness and support, I strongly recommend you to get the tour when you visit Nazca! Japanese ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?????????????????????????)? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Por ????


Agencia de Viajes

Excelente servicio!!

Por Lisley Garro Moreno

Voy Pá Perú Tours Sac

Agencia de Viajes

Excelente servicio!!

Por Lisley Garro Moreno


Agencia de Viajes

Quero pasajes

Por Wilfredo Merma